Average Wound Care Nurse Salary


The average salary for a Wound Care Nurse is $43.11 per hour. This is 4% lower than the nursing US average of $44.95.

Last updated on May 3, 2024. Based on active jobs on Vivian.com.

Salaries for Wound Care Nurse compared to Registered Nurse National Averages


4% lower than the nursing US average.


United States

Where do Wound Care Nurses get paid the most?
StateAverage Hourly SalaryMax Hourly Salary
New York$52$74
North Carolina$50$52
New Jersey$32$36
What are the highest paying Employers and Agencies for Wound Care Nurse jobs?

Last updated on May 3, 2024. Information based on active jobs on Vivian.com and pay data from BLS and around the web.

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Wound Care Nurse FAQs

What is a Wound Care RN?

Wound care RNs are well-versed in wound care procedures and possess comprehensive knowledge of wounds, treatment options, and the signs of infections. They’re considered experts in the field of wound treatment and they play an integral role in patient care. Wound care often requires a multidisciplinary approach and the specialized knowledge and skills involved frequently result in wound care RNs demanding higher salaries. The demand for qualified wound care nurses is expected to rise, potentially increasing a wound care RNs salary.

Wound care nurses are registered nurses who specialize in assessing and treating acute, chronic, and complex patient wounds. Although wound care nurses may perform slightly different tasks based on where they work and their patient populations, all patients rely on them to help alleviate their pain while keeping them free from infection and promoting quick, thorough healing. Wound care nurses may assess and treat pressure wounds or skin ulcers, lacerations, diabetic foot issues, surgical wounds, and ostomies, among others.

To begin a career as a wound care nurse, you must complete the educational requirements to become a registered nurse. Completing an associate or bachelor’s degree nursing program accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education (CCNE) or the Accreditation Commission for Education in Nursing (ACEN) is typically how you fulfill these requirements. Graduates must then pass the NCLEX-RN licensure exam to practice.

How a Wound Care RN salary is based

Wound care RNs are in especially high demand because they’re experts in treating the chronic, age-related wounds and skin issues of the nation’s aging population. This expertise requires wound care nurses to obtain specialized knowledge and skills, so their level of education and experience in the field are two major factors in how their salaries are based.

Base salaries for wound care RNs can vary greatly based on education. Although you can enter the nursing field and the wound care specialty with an ADN, a BSN may warrant a slightly higher base rate. It’s also required for some certifications that can greatly increase wound care RNs’ base salaries. A BSN also prepares you to pursue higher education, a factor that always impacts where wound care RNs land on the starting salary scale.

Location is another major deciding factor when it comes to base salaries, which includes work setting and physical location. Wound care nurses may work in a wide array of healthcare settings that have dedicated positions for wound care RNs in critical care and ICUs. Hospitals may employ wound care teams with certified wound care nurses who provide consults and treat patients throughout the facility. They also commonly work in hospices and long-term care facilities. Each of these locations has varied starting salaries based on their size and funding sources. Geographically, facilities in large metro areas tend to have more funding for salaries than small rural hospitals. Average annual incomes also tend to be higher in western states, including California, Oregon, Washington, and Nevada.

How to increase your Wound Care RN salary

Professional certifications are an ideal way to increase your wound care RN salary and several organizations offer credentialing. Some certifications require you to have a BSN or higher. Furthering your education is another excellent way to give your paycheck a boost.

RNs with any degree can sit for the Certified Wound Specialist exam through the American Board of Wound Management (ABWM). You must also have three or more years of clinical wound care experience.

The Wound, Ostomy, and Continence Nursing Certification Board (WOCNCB) requires you to have a bachelor’s degree or higher to sit for the exam to become a Board Certified Wound Care Nurse. You must have completed either a WOCN Society-accredited WOC Nursing Education Program within the past five years or 4,500 direct patient clinical hours and 150 continuing credits.

You can also earn Wound Care Certified credentials through the National Alliance of Wound Care and Ostomy (NAWCO) after obtaining either of the two previous certifications or completing a skin and wound management education course. All applicants also must have completed 120 hours of hands-on clinical training with a NAWCO preceptor or have two years full-time or four years part-time experience in an approved profession with active, ongoing involvement in caring for wound care patients.

If you’ve earned your master’s degree or higher, you can pursue advanced practice wound care RN roles, such as nurse practitioner or certified nurse specialist. The WOCNCB also certifies APRNs in wound care, including CWCN-AP certification after you complete the required clinical component.

What professional certifications can potentially increase my salary as a Wound Care RN?

Wound Care RNs can specialize in several fields, so numerous certifications may potentially increase your salary or qualify you for roles with greater responsibilities and better wages. Several accrediting agencies offer numerous professional certificates, including:

  • Certified Enterostomal Therapy Nurse (CETN)

  • Certified Foot Care Nurse (CFCN)

  • Certified Wound Care Associate (CWCA)

  • Certified Wound, Ostomy and Continence Nurse (CWOCN)

  • Certified Wound Ostomy Nurse (CWON)

  • Ostomy Management Specialist (OMS)

Where can I learn more about working as a Wound Care Nurse?

Take a look at Vivian's Wound Care Nurse Career Guide for more information, including required education, responsibilities, pros and cons and more.