Average Travel Occupational Therapist Salary


The average salary for a Travel Occupational Therapist in Sioux Falls, SD is $2,299 per week. This is 10% higher than the South Dakota average of $2,080.

Last updated on March 3, 2025. Based on 63 active jobs on Vivian.com in the last 7 days.

Travel Occupational Therapist salaries in Sioux Falls, SD compared to State and National Averages


Sioux Falls, SD

10% higher than the US average.


South Dakota

1% higher than the US average.


United States

How Travel Occupational Therapist Salaries in Sioux Falls Compare to Other Cities


Sioux City, Iowa


This is 12% lower than the Sioux Falls average of $2,314.

Fort Dodge, Iowa


This is 19% lower than the Sioux Falls average of $2,314.

Aberdeen, South Dakota


This is 28% lower than the Sioux Falls average of $2,314.

What cities in South Dakota pay the most for Travel Occupational Therapists?
CityAverage Weekly SalaryMax Weekly Salary
Sioux Falls, South Dakota$2,299$2,640
Pierre, South Dakota$2,013$2,460
Aberdeen, South Dakota$1,999$2,422
Rapid City, South Dakota$1,788$2,183
What are the highest paying Agencies for Travel Occupational Therapist jobs in Sioux Falls?
Average Weekly SalaryMax Weekly Salary
ADEX Healthcare Staffing LLC$2,614$2,640
SkyBridge Healthcare Therapy$2,550$2,550
American Traveler$2,520$2,520
Go Healthcare$2,513$2,513
PRIDE Health$2,506$2,506
Wellspring Nurse Source$2,506$2,506
Health Advocates Network-Allied$2,499$2,499
Planet Healthcare$2,448$2,448

Last updated on March 3, 2025. Information based on active jobs on Vivian.com.

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