Average Travel Labor and Delivery Nurse Salary


The average salary for a Travel Labor and Delivery Nurse in Tennessee is $1,737 per week. This is 36% lower than the US average of $2,358.

Last updated on December 17, 2024. Based on 225 active jobs on Vivian.com in the last 7 days.

Travel Labor and Delivery Nurse salaries in Tennessee compared to National Averages



36% lower than the US average.


United States

What cities in Tennessee pay the most for Travel Labor and Delivery Nurses?
CityAverage Weekly SalaryMax Weekly Salary
Athens, Tennessee$1,926$2,205
Nashville, Tennessee$1,919$1,928
Hendersonville, Tennessee$1,916$1,921
Murfreesboro, Tennessee$1,821$3,536
How does the pay for Travel Labor and Delivery Nurses in Tennessee compare to nearby states?
Average Weekly SalaryMax Weekly Salary
North Carolina$1,871$2,808
What are the highest paying Employers and Agencies for Travel Labor and Delivery Nurse jobs in Tennessee?
Average Weekly SalaryMax Weekly Salary
ADN Healthcare$2,797$3,536
Vastek Group$2,577$2,577
Vibra Travels$2,205$2,205
LRS Healthcare - Travel Nursing$2,183$2,183
SGS Consulting$2,014$2,014
Access Healthcare$1,971$1,971
TRS Healthcare$1,939$2,565
HealthTrust Workforce Solutions HCA$1,916$1,936

Last updated on December 17, 2024. Information based on active jobs on Vivian.com.

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