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Tradition Medical Center

10000 SouthWest Innovation Way
Port St. Lucie, FL 34987
Cleveland Clinic Martin Health
3.0rating(4 reviews)

About this facility

Emergency Department (ED) Tradition Medical Center features a 27-bed ED, making it the largest of Martin Health System’s four emergency departments. Each ED bed is private. Tradition Medical Center features a cutting-edge telemedicine tool that’s transforming the delivery of emergency care: a robot known as RP-VITA® (Remote Presence Virtual + Independent Telemedicine Assistant). This robot allows emergency department staff to quickly access specialists outside the hospital, who can then remotely consult on a patient’s treatment. An 18-bed observation unit is adjacent to the ED for those patients who need an extended or overnight stay, but don’t require inpatient admission. Maternal-Child Department Tradition Medical Center has 14 private rooms for labor, delivery, recovery and postpartum care, allowing new mothers and their babies to stay in one location during their visit. The spacious rooms provide comfort and privacy to new parents. The maternal-child department also includes a six-bed level II neonatal intensive care unit which is staffed around the clock by neonatologists. Each NICU room is private and allows new parents privacy and comfort.


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  • Not-For-Profit Hospital
  • Short Term Acute Care


3.0rating(4 reviews)
ICU - Intensive Care Unit (RN)
Review of Tradition Medical Center on Mar 28, 2024
Certified Surgical Technologist (Allied Health Professional)
Review of Tradition Medical Center on Dec 8, 2023
Pediatrics (RN)
Staff Position
Review of Tradition Medical Center on Feb 5, 2024

Worst assignment ever.

There is no support from management, we are short on staff daily and it’s getting worse. The population in the area has tripled and they are still building. The little staff can’t handle the masses. There are never any floor beds or ICU beds so the ED gets slammed 24/7. There are no psych facilities near by so we hold patients for days and even weeks. It’s a dangerous place to work. The little staff they have are nice but no one can help you if they are also drowning. The compensation if you go full time is very low. I love Florida but working here isn’t worth it. There are no incentives for OT, you barely get a break and I believe this job contributed negatively to my health. The patient population is frustrated and can be very demanding and they come to ED because it’s impossible for them to see a specialist or primary care. Something needs to change here. I still have friends there and they told me it’s getting worse. I was able to self schedule and most of the MDs were great to work with and they have one awesome pharmacist the male one, he always helped out. There are a lot of good people that work as a team here but it’s not enough. If they add more beds, hire techs that have actual assignments , hire more nurses to manage the flow and even added another MD maybe it would be better, what do I know I’m not a manager and I don’t have an MBA. The charting always changes as well and it is hard to keep up with it. I use to wish there was a computer when I had my 30 min break so I could get charting done, you always come back with new patients who were never seen or even looked at. It’s not worth it. I hear HCA is better than this place and so many complain of HCA. I went to tenet and it is so much better.

1 nurse found this helpful

ED - Emergency Department (RN)
Contract Position
Review of Tradition Medical Center on Dec 7, 2023
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Cleveland Clinic Martin Health

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  • Medical benefits
  • Dental benefits
  • Vision benefits