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Mercy Hospital Watonga

500 North Clarence Nash Boulevard
Watonga, OK 73772
5.0rating(1 review)

About this facility

Mercy Hospital Watonga is a 25-bed critical access hospital serving Blaine County in western Oklahoma. Since assuming operations of the Watonga hospital on July 1, 2012, Mercy has made a number of improvements and investments in the modernization of the hospital facilities with the support of the community. With an initial investment of $1 million dollars, Mercy launched our electronic health record (EHR) in Watonga, allowing clinicians immediate access to patient records electronically from every nurses’ station, exam room and doctor’s office across Mercy. EHR provides seamless care for Mercy patients. Through EHR Mercy patients also have access MyMercy to view their medical records, records of their children and other people whose health they manage. This patient portal to the electronic health record allows patients to schedule appointments with their Mercy provider; communicate through private two-way messaging with their care team; view lab results in a timely manner; request prescription refills; and pay bills online. Mercy also brought a number of new services to Watonga, including respite care for hospice patients, pediatric therapy and virtual care. With the addition of virtual care, patients can be connected to specialists located across the country while staying close to home. In September 2017, construction was completed on a new emergency department consisting of four private treatment rooms (one with isolation and decontamination capabilities), a nurse’s station, med room and supply room. The second phase, which includes remodeled ED waiting and registration areas, was completed two months later. Phase three, which includes a new out-patient waiting area and a remodel of the old ED space for radiology use, opened in February 2018.


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  • Public Hospital
  • Critical Access
  • Level IV Trauma
  • 25 beds


5.0rating(1 review)

1 nurse recommends working here



Small hospital with mostly great patient to nurse ratios of 2-3 to 1. Awesome staff to with.


This might be an issue with some ER RNs. You are expected to work the med/surg unit on occasion. I was often given the choice between the ER or med/surg if two RNs were scheduled. Really good staff to work with on this issue.

Recommends working here

ED - Emergency Department (RN)
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Review of Mercy Hospital Watonga on Mar 29, 2024
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Registered Nurse (RN) - ED - Emergency Department

  • Mercy Hospital Watonga
  • Watonga, OK
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Staff Position

Registered Nurse (RN) - ED - Emergency Department

  • Mercy Hospital Watonga
  • Watonga, OK
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