ContinueCARE Hospital at Hendrick Medical Center
About this facility
ContinueCARE Hospital at Hendrick Medical Center provides care with an interdisciplinary approach, developing individualized care plans and encouraging family and/or caregiver participation, to achieve optimal patient outcomes. Our hospital is licensed under Medicare as long-term acute care hospitals, providing care for critically ill and medically complex patients who require a longer acute care stay than a traditional hospital.Details
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- •Long Term Acute Care
Community Hospital Corporation ContinueCARE
All Community Hospital Corporation ContinueCARE facilities
Poor management practices with negligent, unsafe ratios and a complete disregard to patient acuity vs staff competence and training. There is no investment in staff or appreciation for a job well done, no concern for patient well being. Lack of work ethic and poor morals lead to promotion or retention within the company as long as you’re easily manipulated and controlled. The CEO has made a trainwreck out of the place and is completely detached from the reality of the mess while corporate continues to back her for keeping the budget out of the red. There is no CNO in place, or anyone to be the voice of the clinical staff. Corporate has a total disregard for concerns voiced by the staff so don’t anticipate “following the chain of command” to be of any assistance. HR will consistently have your pay, benefits, and schedule scrambled beyond repair with no accountability. This is not a place where you have a “bad shift” every now and then, this is the type of place where every shift sucks.