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Backup TB\CD Nurse and Preparedness Coordinator

Backup TB\CD Nurse and Preparedness Coordinator Salary $66,822.00 Annually Location Nashville, NC Job Type Full Time Job Number 2024-00093 Department Health Department Division Health Departments Opening Date 10/04/2024 Closing Date Continuous * Description * Benefits General Statement of Duties Primary Purpose of Position: To coordinate and implement Tuberculosis (TB) Program services and communicable disease services in collaboration with the Communicable Disease and TB Coordinator. This position will serve as a back-up to the TB/CD Nurse Coordinator and be available to help when caseloads are above average. Coordinates services delivered with other agency personnel, other professionals and the public. Assesses and evaluates the quality and needs of the program and implements a course of action. Ensures program activities are in accord with the policies of the agency and State manual. Serves as a resource person in this area of expertise. Participates in administrative decisions involving the TB Program. This position also is responsible for answering questions and providing guidance to other staff relating to this program, as well as answering inquiries outside of the agency and/or reporting sources. Position is also a part of coordinating communicable disease activities within the Health Department, as well as, in the county. This position also serves as the Preparedness Coordinator. The Preparedness Coordinator is responsible for assessment, program planning, and program development in the area of public health emergency preparedness. The position participates in the Local Emergency Planning Committee (LEPC) and the regional Preparedness Coordinator (PC) group. Collaboration with Emergency Management is required. B. Work Schedule: Normally 8:00 AM - 5:00 PM, Monday - Friday. When communicable disease outbreaks occur and surveillance is necessary, evenings and weekends may be required. Hours may vary with Agency services. Occasional extended hours or weekends for community health fairs, flu shots, etc. This position is required to work an on-call rotation schedule for after-hours communicable disease calls, outbreak situations, and disaster response. Hours beyond routine work hours to staff shelters, special clinics, health fairs, communicable disease outbreaks or emergencies are also required. Essential Duties and Tasks 30% Back-Up Program Coordinator for the TB Program. Covers two offices; Nashville (full time office Monday - Friday, 8:00 AM-5:00 PM), and the Rocky Mount branch office. Participates in administrative decisions regarding assessment of program needs and future planning. This includes state contract and future budget needs. Reviews and monitors services performed to ensure they meet Health Department, State, and Federal Guidelines. Serves as liaison with local physicians, area and regional hospitals, clinical consultant, Health Departments, State and Regional consultant's staff and other disciplines within the department to assure that patient needs and goals of the programs are met. In the absence of the CD/TB Coordinator, this position updates local physicians and hospital infection control nurses of changes in communicable disease laws and public health services related to TB, and CD changes as well. Notifies new physicians of state reporting requirements. Coordinates changes in the clinic schedule and staffing changes with the clinical supervisor. In collaboration with the CD/TB Coordinator, this position is responsible for maintaining records in accordance with local and state policies. Serves as a resource for employees in the absence of the CD/TB Coordinator. In collaboration with the CD/TB Nurse, coordinates and assists with TB screening for mass screening on high-risk population groups such as firefighters, rescue personnel, and in industries as needed. In collaboration with the CD/TB Coordinator, ensures that staff is provided Mantoux Tuberculin Skin Test (TST) administration, reading and interpretation training to Health Department Medical Staff on hire and reviews with staff as indicated. Investigation, Treatment, Follow-up and Clinical In collaboration with CD/TB Coordinator, this position: Investigates and provides follow-up of newly identified cases of tuberculosis, (suspect and known cases). Interviews case/family. Identifies risk behaviors, provides education, counseling, and testing. Instructs regarding treatment regimen and identifies side effects of medicine. Schedules appointments as needed. Issues sputum containers with instructions regarding collection. Identifies contacts. Obtains consent for treatment and release of medical records. Provides patient follow-up by reviewing records as reports and other information is received. Initiates correspondence between the Department and other medical care providers. Maintains close telephone contact with physician and communicates changes in plan of care to the patient. Advises physician when supervised therapy is indicated due to patient non-compliance. Provides supervised therapy in the clinic or home setting for known cases as needed to ensure that appropriate therapy is completed. In some cases, DOT can be done via video call with patients. Informs nurse supervisor, health director, and physician when a non-compliant patient needs public health law intervention. Notifies contacts of need for screening. Obtains history of previous exposure and evaluates relationship to case to determine whether a close or casual contact. Initiates appropriate screening per standing orders and treatment as ordered by physician. Completes surveillance forms and required reports in State NC EDDS reporting system. Reviews charts to obtain medical reports and x-rays from other medical centers and private physicians needed for current medical status. Assess patient's status and identifies needs. Provides pre and posttest HIV counseling. Obtains interview, follow-up with physician regarding x-ray results, administers skin test, dispenses medications and sputum containers, orders needed lab tests and provides education and counseling. Assists physician with developing a plan of care, and reinforces the physician's orders to patients, or follows standing orders. Provides education to patients, families, contacts, etc. Provides direct patient care in the patient's home and in the Department's, clinics as needed/assigned. Visits patient while in the hospital, if needed, consults with patient's physician and starts contact investigation. Serves as a member of the Nash County Health Department Epi Team along with the Health Director, Nursing Director, Preparedness Coordinator, Nursing Supervisors, Environmental Health Specialist, Laboratory Technologist, Health Educator, and Management Support personnel. Coordinates outbreak control activities with other disciplines within the agency and with other PHN's assigned to assist when a communicable disease threatens the community. 30% Back up to Communicable Disease Serves as back up to CD/TB Coordinator and duties may include: Assists CD nurse in the investigation and follow-up of suspect and known cases of communicable diseases and their contacts as recommended by the State Communicable Disease Program and as written in local policies, procedures, and standing orders. Schedules lab work. Initiates prophylactic treatment as indicated. Provides education and counseling regarding specific disease, including mode of transmission, incubation period, period of communicability and methods of control. Completes surveillance forms and communicable disease report. Completes required reports in State NC EDDS reporting system. Monitors NC EDSS workflow for reports of positive labs of un-reported CD and TB suspected cases and reports withing the appropriate timeframe. Works closely with local physicians, healthcare facilities, epidemiologist at the local hospital, medical consultant and staff at the state level to provide adequate follow-up, referrals and treatment (if necessary) based on the Communicable Disease laws and guidelines Act as liaison between clients and physicians to assure that clients are receiving proper treatment as well as understanding their treatment plan to assure compliance to it. Strive to stay updated in all areas of nursing practice in Communicable Disease by attending workshops, in-services, and reading textbooks and/or periodicals on recent changes and advances in this field. 30% Preparedness Coordinator Delegates to staff as necessary regarding Preparedness or CD/TB activities. In Conjunction with Emergency Management, coordinates and collaborates with appropriate local, regional, state and federal agencies and organizations in Preparedness activities. Works closely with contracted preparedness staff and emergency management to develop and maintain policies, plans and procedures. Develops and maintains a Strategic National Stockpile (SNS) receiving and dispensing plan. In conjunction with Emergency Management, this position is responsible for notifying appropriate personnel of a potential bioterrorism event. Programs are developed and presented to a variety of audiences on preparedness. Strives to stay updated in all areas of nursing practice in Preparedness by attending workshops, in-services, conferences, and reading updates on recent changes and advances in the field. According to AA514, this position would also be responsible for organizing and participating in Preparedness response drills and exercises. Assists with planning, organizing and implementing all aspects of any future pandemic events. Assists with preparing reports for Preparedness activities (i.e., FEMA reports, After Action Reports, and CAP). Facilitates delivery of required ICS training for Health Department staff. Maintains proficiency in software and hardware necessary to accomplish roles and functions (NCDETECT, GETS card, Radio Checks, etc.) 5% STD/HIV Program Completes an initial or interim medical and sexual history. Orders appropriate lab tests. Provides education and counseling regarding problems identified. Dispenses or administers appropriate treatment according to the STD Policy, Procedures, and Standing Orders, and according to the Department's Pharmacy Policy and Procedures. Provides Pre and Post Test HIV Counseling. 2% Women's Preventive Health Program Completes an initial or interim medical and psycho-social history. Takes blood pressure and orders appropriate lab tests. Provides education and counseling regarding medical and psycho-social problems identified. Provides education, counseling, and instructions regarding methods of birth control and method chosen. Provides preconceptual counseling when indicated. Assists physician with GYN exam. Dispenses appropriate medications and/or birth control method according to the Department's Women's Preventive Health Policy, Procedures and Standing Orders and Pharmacy Policy and Procedures. 2% Prenatal Program Completes an initial or interim medical and psycho-social history. Takes blood pressure and orders appropriate lab tests. Provides education and counseling regarding medical and psycho-social problems identified. Assists physician with exam. Dispenses appropriate medications and or vitamins and iron according to the Department's Pharmacy Policy and Procedure and Prenatal Policy, Procedures and Standing Orders. Initiates referrals for abnormal findings and needs identified. Documents findings and all activities in the patient's medical record according to the Department's Medical Record Policy. 1% Other Duties Maintains required personnel records. (ex.: time, travel, and telephone logs). Attends staff training and other continuing education programs and monthly staff meeting. Helps maintain a safe working environment. Participates in disaster services as required. A member of the Preparedness Team and attend regular meetings and assist with planning. Will alternate 24 hours/7 days a week telephone on-call with Nursing Supervisors and Director of Nursing for on call Preparedness coverage. Assists with general clinic patients; i.e.: those presenting for pregnancy tests, TB medications, hepatitis B vaccine, blood pressure checks, B12 injections, etc. Other duties as assigned. II. B. OTHER POSITION CHARACTERISTICS: Accuracy Required in Work: Must have a broad base of nursing knowledge with expertise in communicable diseases, their identification, mode of transmission, and control. Requires extreme accuracy when gathering data in disease surveillance and implementation of control measures. 2. Consequence of Error: Error could result in inadequate follow-up and further spread of disease-causing unnecessary mass exposure/disease and increased morbidity/mortality. Community protection against communicable diseases is one of the primary duties of our agency and professional management of crisis is expected by our medical society and public. 3. Instructions Provided to Employee: The Nursing Supervisor serves as a resource person for this employee and assists occasionally when questions arise. This employee independently prioritizes her work and is held responsible for completion of job responsibilities according to established standards. 4. Guides, Regulations, Policies and References Used by Employee: State of North Carolina Communicable Disease Laws and Rules Control of Communicable Disease in Manual Report of the Committee of Infectious Disease CDC ACIP Manual North Carolina Tuberculosis Program Guidelines North Carolina Communicable Disease Manual NCHD Communicable Disease/Tuberculosis Policy, Procedures and Standing Orders 5. Supervision Received by Employee: Work is reviewed annually by the State Tuberculosis Program Nursing Consultant. Policies, procedures, standing orders, and records are reviewed quarterly by the Quality Assurance Committee within the agency. Work is also observed occasionally by the Nursing Supervisor while in progress. Written performance appraisals are done per Agency Policy. 6. Variety and Purpose of Personal Contacts: A cooperative effort is essential in the control of communicable disease. Essential people include: other agency personnel (nurses, health educators, sanitarians, lab technologists, and management support), hospital communicable disease nurses, physicians, the media, and the public. Education of the public to prevent unnecessary alarm and to ensure cooperation is an important element. Enforcing treatment and other control measures on uncooperative cases is often a difficult and sensitive problem. 7. Physical Effort: Daily, this employee must be able to perform nursing duties. This may be in a clinical or office setting or it may be necessary to drive to local hospitals, businesses, private homes, or community sites to fulfill the job responsibilities. 8. Work Environment and Conditions: As described above, this employee is frequently on the road. Under certain weather conditions, this can be hazardous. Employee is also exposed to potentially harmful acts from others when employee visits in patients' homes. Home visits are done with a team of two if the nurse feels this is indicated. Occasionally the local sheriff's department serves as escort. 9. Machines, Tools, Instruments, Equipment and Materials Used: Computer/Copy/Fax/Cell Phone Scales Blood pressure cuff/stethoscope Needle and syringe Thermometer OSHA equipment Alcohol swabs N95 Mask Otoscope Automobile 10. Visual Attention, Mental Concentration and Manipulative Skills: Must be able to identify, organize, and complete the work process. Document on medical record. Administer medications. Communicate with other professionals. Safety for Others: Must be proficient at administering screening tests and initiating treatment. Procedures must be followed and Standing Orders are used to ensure appropriate follow-up of communicable diseases. Follows the Agency's Bloodborne Pathogens Policy. Immunized per Agency Policy. Dynamics of Work: Changes in policy occur only as resources and recommendations for communicable disease control changes. Day to day tasks change as communicable diseases are reported. Seasonal activity affects workload since some communicable diseases occur more frequently during specific seasons of the year. Our agency also has a large influx of migrant farm workers 5 months out of the year. Knowledges, Skills and Abilities Considerable knowledge of and skill in the application of nursing theory, practices, principles, and techniques employed in the field of public health and related programs; general knowledge of and ability to apply the principles and practices of public health; working knowledge of current social and economic problems relating to public health; working knowledge of available resources and organizations, and appropriate referral methods. Ability to deal tactfully with others and to exercise good judgement in appraising situations and making decisions; ability to secure the cooperation of clients, to elicit needed information and to maintain effective working relationships; ability to record accurately services rendered and to interpret and explain records, reports and medical instructions; some ability to plan, coordinate, and supervise the work of others. Good verbal and writing skills are needed to communicate with patients. Requires the ability to plan and coordinate work with others, to deal tactfully with others and to exercise good judgement in appraising situations and making decisions. Desirable Education and Experience Required Education and Experience: Graduation from a four-year college or university with a B.S. in Nursing which includes a Public Health Nursing rotation and two years of Public Health nursing experience; or a Master's in Public Health and graduation from a school of professional nursing and two years of professional nursing experience; or graduation from a school of professional nursing and three years of professional nursing experience including two years of Public Health nursing experience; or an equivalent combination of training and experience. Additional Training/Experience: NC Credentialed Public Health Nursing Course (NCCPHN) Introductions to Public Health in North Carolina Online Training Series Certificate of Public Health Nursing in North Carolina State approved Orientation and Training Programs in: TB, Communicable Disease and Immunizations "Introduction to Communicable Disease Surveillance and Investigation in N.C." "N.C. Introduction to Tuberculosis Management Course" Red Cross Disaster I and II Training ICS Training 100, 200, 300, 400, 700, 800 CPR Certification CPR/Defibrillator training HIV counseling and testing program Nash County Policies, Procedures, and Standing Orders Maternal Child Health Manual Nash County Health Department Personnel Policies ICD-10 Code Book License or Certification Required by Statute/Regulation/Agency: Current license to practice as Registered Nurse in North Carolina by the N. C. Board of Nursing. Valid North Carolina Driver's License. INSURANCE PROGRAMS Group Health Insurance Nash County provides full time and part-time benefit eligible employees working 30 plus hours per week with Health Insurance coverage with the North Carolina State Health Plan Included in each selection is: * Preventative Care Coverage * Prescription Coverage * Chiropractic Coverage Health Insurance may become effective for employees the first day of the month following employment. Group Dental Insurance Nash County provides full-time and part-time regular employees working 30 plus hours per week. Dental Insurance becomes effective for employees the first day of the month following the 30th day of employment. Group Life Insurance Nash County provides term Life Insurance for full-time and part-time regular employees working 30 or more hours per week. Life insurance is paid for you by Nash County and pays your beneficiary one time your annual salary not to exceed $200,000 in the event of your death. Accidental death and dismemberment coverage is also provided. Life Insurance becomes effective the first day of the month following 30 days of employment. Voluntary supplemental term life insurance coverage for you, your spouse or your dependent children is also available - please see the Human Resources Department for more details. Short Term Disability Insurance Nash County provides active full-time regular employees working 30 plus hours per week the option to purchase Short Term Disability Insurance. Short Term Disability Insurance may cover up to 70% of an employee's monthly salary with a maximum of $2,000 per month, in the event of an injury or illness, for up to 13 weeks. FINANCIAL PROGRAMS Retirement Membership in the North Carolina Local Government Employees Retirement System is a requirement for all regular full-time and regular part-time employees. Employees contribute 6% of their annual compensation before it is taxed. If you leave County service before retirement, you may withdraw your retirement contributions or elect to freeze your contributions in anticipation of future local government employment. If you have 5 years of service, you are 100% vested in the NCLGERS. NC401(k) The NC401(k) supplemental retirement program is available to regular full-time and regular part-time employees. The County establishes this 401(k) account for each eligible employee and makes a 5% contribution based on monthly earnings. Employees may elect to make voluntary contributions through payroll deduction. 457 Deferred Compensation The 457 Deferred Compensation program is available to regular full-time and regular part-time employees through payroll deduction. Deferred compensation is a voluntary investment plan to supplement retirement income and to defer taxable income. Special Separation Allowance The Separation Allowance is available to law enforcement officers between the ages of 55 and 62 years that are eligible and retire under the provisions of the NC Local Government Employees Retirement System. 125 Flexible Benefit Plan Flexible Spending Account options are available to regular full-time and regular part-time employees who wish to use pre-tax dollars for eligible medical, pharmacy, dental, vision, and daycare expenses. The Flex Convenience Card program gives you instant access to your account funds. * Health Care Spending Account -- Section 125 of the IRS Code allows yearly voluntary enrollment to set aside pre-tax dollars for eligible health care expenses. * Dependent Care Spending Account -- Section 125 of the IRS Code allows yearly voluntary enrollment to set aside pre-tax dollars for eligible dependent care expenses. Direct Deposit Direct Deposit is a condition of employment for all employees. Deposit of your paycheck will be made to checking or savings accounts in a bank of your choice. Credit Union Local Government Federal Credit Union membership is available to all employees. Once you join, you can remain a member for as long as you choose. Immediate family members such as spouse, children, stepchildren, brothers, sisters, and parents can all become members. Employees of both the Departments of Social Services and Public Health are eligible to join the State Employees Credit Union. LEAVE PROGRAMS Vacation Leave For regular full-time County employees, vacation leave accrues based on length of service. Regular part-time employees accrue prorated vacation leave based on a percentage of the full-time benefit. Sick Leave For regular full-time County employees, sick leave accrues at 8.0 hours per month. Regular part-time employees accrue prorated sick leave based on a percentage of the full-time benefit. Your unused sick leave balance can be applied as creditable service toward a service retirement under the guidelines of the NCLGERS. Holidays The policy of the County is to follow the holiday schedule as published by the State of North Carolina each year. The following holidays are observed: * New Year's Day, * Martin Luther King, Jr. Day, * Good Friday, * Memorial Day, * Independence Day, * Labor Day, * Veteran's Day, * Thanksgiving Day and the day after, and * Three (3) days at Christmas. Military Leave Annual Training - Reserves and National Guard -Ten paid workdays per fiscal year. Active Duty - Reserves and National Guard - Ten paid workdays upon activation. Civil Leave Paid leave is provided to full-time or regular part-time County employees called for jury duty or as a witness of the court for the federal or state government, or a subdivision thereof. Family Medical Leave Act Federal law provides job protection and continuation of existing paid health insurance during 12 weeks of leave, paid or unpaid, to an eligible employee for qualifying events. These events can include birth or adoption, and serious illness of an immediate family member, or of the employee. OTHER PROGRAMS Employee Assistance Program (EAP) The Employee Assistance Program is open to all employees and their dependents. It is a confidential service provided at no cost to the employees of the County. EAP provides certified counselors who administer assessment and brief therapy to employees who want help with a variety of personal and work-related issues such as stress, parenting concerns, grief, alcohol/drug use, family problems, financial concerns, and work-related problems. Wellness Center and Telemedicine We believe that staying healthy is inclusive of exercising regularly and taking care of your physical body. Nash County has a Wellness Center, which consists of various exercise equipment and videos, open to all full and part-time employees. All full-time employees also have access to telemedicine through Teladoc. Teladoc treats conditions like allergies, sore throats, asthma, and more. Doctors are available by phone or video 24/7 from wherever you are. They are available to diagnose symptoms and send a prescription if needed. NOTICE OF PRIVACY PRACTICES The benefits offered by Nash County are subject to change. In the event there is a conflict between the above contents and Nash County policies and/or a State or Federal statute, the policy/statute shall control. Plan documents will govern benefits plans should there be a conflict with this information. They are not held out to any employee as part of any contractual agreement. Benefits, policies, and procedures are subject to change or termination at any time. Information provided on this site is for informational purposes only. Actual provisions of each plan will be provided on the certificate of coverage as part of the Summary Plan description. Nash County is an Equal Opportunity Employer/Provider In accordance with Federal civil rights law and the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) civil rights regulations and policies, the USDA, its Agencies, offices, employees, and institutions participating in or administering USDA programs are prohibited from discriminating based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, gender identity (including gender expression), sexual orientation, disability, age, marital status, family/parental status, income derived from public assistance program, political beliefs, or reprisal or retaliation for prior civil rights activity, in any program or activity conducted or funded by USDA (not all bases apply to all programs). Remedies and complaint filing deadlines vary by program or incident. Persons with disabilities who require alternative means of communication for program information (e.g., Braille, large print, audiotape, American Sign Language, etc.) should contact the responsible Agency or USDA's Target Center at (202) 720-2600 (voice and TTY) or contact USDA through the Federal Relay Service at (800) 877-8339. Additionally, program information may be made available in languages other than English. To file a program discrimination complaint, complete the USDA Program Discrimination Complaint Form, AD-3027, found online at filing cust.html and any USDA office or write a letter addressed to USDA and provide in the letter all of the information requested in the form. To request a copy of the complaint form, call (866) 632-9992. Submit your completed form or letter to USDA by: 1. mail: U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of the Assistant Secretary for Civil Rights 1400 Independence Avenue, SW Washington, D.C. 20250-9410; 2. fax: (202) 690-7442; or 3. email: [email protected] USDA is an equal opportunity provider, employer, and lender.


Average North Carolina Staff Position Pay


The average salary for a Med Surg is 18% higher than the US average of $45.

Estimate based on Bureau of Labor Statistics data.