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RPSGT - Registered Polysomnographic Technologist

  • Cost $550
  • Renews every 5 years


In Person


The Registered Polysomnographic Technologist (RPSGT) certification is a specialized credential for healthcare professionals who conduct sleep studies and work in the field of sleep medicine. This certification is accredited by the National Commission of Certifying Agencies (NCCA) and offered by the Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists (BRPT). It’s widely recognized in the healthcare industry and demonstrates expertise in performing and analyzing polysomnograms, as well as managing sleep disorders.


The RPSGT exam has 5 eligibility pathways:

  1. Clinical Experience: Complete a STAR-designated self-study education program and have a minimum of 1,638 hours of clinical experience in the field. 

  2. Healthcare Credential: Hold another healthcare credential and have a minimum of  546 hours of experience in the field.

  3. CAAHEP/CoARC Student: Graduate from a polysomnography education program accredited by the Commission on Accreditation of Allied Health Education Programs (CAAHEP) or Commission on Accreditation for Respiratory Care (CoARC).

  4. Focused Training: Complete a STAR-designated Focused education (or a combination of Self-Study and Focused 2 education) and have a minimum of 819 hours of experience in the field.

  5. International Option: Have a minimum of 546 hours of experience in the field if the applicant is an international candidate.

Please Note: All required experience hours will change to 960 beginning 7/1/2024, meaning the hours required will go up or down based on the applicant’s eligibility pathway.

Besides satisfying the requirements for one eligibility pathway, applicants must also:

  • Hold current CPR or Basic Life Support (BLS) certification

  • Agree to follow BRPT Standards of Conduct, policies and procedures

Completion Time: 3 hours

Cost: $550 (plus $50 resubmission fee if the exam application has previously been rejected)

Course Format

Exam Format

The RPSGT examination assesses a candidate's knowledge and skills in polysomnography, including sleep study procedures, patient care and data interpretation. It’s a computer-based exam with 175 multiple-choice questions, including 25 unscored questions. Questions cover sleep physiology, sleep disorders, polysomnographic procedures and equipment, patient care and similar areas. Candidates have 3 hours to complete it. 

The exam is offered on-demand, meaning applicants may schedule their exam on any available date and time within their eligibility window once they’re approved to sit for the exam.

Candidates receive their exam results on the computer immediately after they complete it. Exams receive a scaled score between 200 and 500, with 350 required to pass. Candidates who don’t pass receive a detailed score report upon leaving the testing center that indicates the areas they should focus their studies before repeating the exam. Candidates reapplying to sit for the exam again may do so at any time.

In Person

Pearson VUE administers the RPSGT as the BRPT’s testing partner. Pearson VUE has testing centers located throughout the United States and internationally. Exams are administered via computer using the testing center’s equipment.


Application Process

  • RPSGT exam applicants may submit a paper application or apply entirely online using BRPT’s Self-Service Portal. 

  • Applicants must submit all required documentation proving their eligibility pathway (education, experience, etc.) when submitting their application.

    • Incomplete submissions will be rejected and a $50 resubmission fee applies. 

    • Processing time for exam applications is usually 7 to 10 days. 

  • BRPT may perform a criminal background check as part of the application process.

Applicants must include a valid email address as this is the BRPT’s official form of communication. Application approval, exam confirmation and instructions to schedule the exam will all be sent to this email address.


RPSGT certification requires renewal every 5 years. Recertifying online is the quickest and least expensive way to renew the RPSGT certification. The renewal process includes:

  • Complete the online application form

  • Enter continuing education (CE) credit information

  • Reaffirm a commitment to the BRPT Code of Conduct

  • Submit a copy of a valid CPR or BLS certification

  • Pay the recertification fee 

Alternatively, applicants may retake the RPSGT and be recertified upon passing the exam. For an additional fee, they can also apply via certified mail or fax.

Renewal Fees

  • Application submitted on time online with CE: $250

  • Application submitted on time but retaking the RPSGT exam: $800

  • Paper application submitted on time with CE credits entered online for applicant: $450 

  • Application submitted within 90 days or less of expiration, CEs earned on time: $500

  • Application submitted within 90 days or less of expiration, CEs earned late: $700

  • Application submitted more than 90 days but less than 1 year after expiration: $950

  • Expedited Application Fee: $150 (nonrefundable)

Continuing Education

If recertifying through continuing education, applicants must accumulate 50 CE credits. CE must be directly related to sleep or sleep respiration and fit within the RPSGT core knowledge. BRPT maintains a list of pre-approved CE providers, which currently includes:

  • BRPT

  • American Association of Sleep Technologists

  • American Association of Sleep Medicine

  • Canadian Sleep Society

  • Australasian Sleep Technologists Association

Other Resources

Related Certifications

The BRPT also offers the following certifications:

  • Certification in Clinical Sleep Health (CCSH)

  • Certified Polysomnographic Technician (CPSGT)

The National Board for Respiratory Care (NRBC) offers the Sleep Disorders Specialist (CRT-SDS or RRT-SDS) for Certified Respiratory Therapist (CRT) or Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT).

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Frequently asked questions

Can I earn an Registered Polysomnographic Technologist (RPSGT) online?

No you can't earn a Registered Polysomnographic Technologist (RPSGT) online.

What organization offers the Registered Polysomnographic Technologist (RPSGT)?

The Board of Registered Polysomnographic Technologists (BRPT) offers the Registered Polysomnographic Technologist (RPSGT).

How often do I need to renew my BRPT Registered Polysomnographic Technologist (RPSGT) certification?

You must renew your BRPT Registered Polysomnographic Technologist (RPSGT) every five years.

What are the CE requirements for recertifiying the BRPT Registered Polysomnographic Technologist (RPSGT)?

The BRPT Registered Polysomnographic Technologist (RPSGT) requires at least 50 continuing education credits (CECs) every five years. The RPSGT can also be renewed by retaking the certification exam.

Who would benefit from obtaining the BRPT Registered Polysomnographic Technologist (RPSGT) certification?

Healthcare professionals who perform polysomnography and related procedures, score and process data, and initiate and monitor associated therapeutic interventions, would benefit by obtaining the BRPT Registered Polysomnographic Technologist (RPSGT) certification.