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RNC-LRN - Registered Nurse Certified in Low Risk Neonatal Nursing

  • $325
  • Renews every 3 years


In Person


The Registered Nurse Certified in Low Risk Neonatal Nursing (RNC-LRN) is granted by the National Certification Corporation (NCC). The RNC-LRN certification is used to designate neonatal ICU nurses who are able to identify life-threatening conditions, differentiate between normal and abnormal findings, and assess and care for the neonate.

In 2018, this certification was changed to include Intensive Care: Low Risk Intensive Care Nursing certification after finding that most nurses working with unstable neonates identify as neonatal ICU nurses.

Eligibility Requirements for the RNC-LRN Examination

  • All candidates must be active, licensed RNs in the U.S. or Canada

  • 2 years and at least 2,000 hours of experience in the exam specialty

  • Employment history must be documented and demonstrate these 2,000 hours

  • Employment in the exam specialty sometime within the last 2 years

Applying for the RNC-LRN Examination

Candidates will complete the following steps to register for the computer examination:

  • Determine eligibility

  • Submit application online through the National Certification Corporation (NCC) website

  • Email confirmation of application receipt will be provided within 30 minutes

  • The application is reviewed to determine qualification and may take up to 2 weeks

  • If approved, eligibility information with test-scheduling details will be sent via email

The exam must then be scheduled within the first 30 days of the eligibility window for a date that is to take place within the 90-day eligibility window. 


The examination fee is $325 which includes the non-refundable $50 application fee.

Course Format

Exam Format

The examination is conducted online through Live Remote Proctoring which means the candidate can test in their home or another environment that is comfortable, secure, and quiet at a time that works best for them. Live proctors will monitor the test-taker to ensure integrity.

If the candidate would prefer to test at a designated testing location, these are also available.

The online examination consists of 175 questions. 25 of those are pre-test questions embedded throughout the exam and do not count towards the final score. The candidate has 3 hours to complete the exam.


Recertification will take place after 3 years. To maintain certification, nurses will enter earned CEs into their maintenance application. NCC offers CE credits which will automatically transfer into the application.

Renewal Fees

  • Fees are based on a quarterly system, depending on when certification was granted.

  • Dates: March 15th, June 15th, September 15th or December 15th

  • Maintenance fees = $100

  • Discounts if using Continuing Education (CE) modules:

    • 15 hours = $80

    • 30  hours = $70

    • 45 hours = $60

  • Alternate maintenance fee if continuing competency assessment is not completed = $175

Other Resources

The NCC offers resources for exam candidates, including:

Related Certifications

The NCC also offers the following:

  • Registered Nurse Certified in Neonatal Intensive Care (RNC-NIC)

  • Registered Nurse Certified in Maternal Newborn Nursing (RNC-MNN),

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Posted 6 days ago

Frequently asked questions

What is the average salary of a nurse with the RNC-LRN certification?

$75,000 annually

When will I receive my official exam results?

A preliminary score will show immediately after completing the exam. An official score will arrive in the mail within the next 3 weeks.

Can I earn a RNC-LRN online?

Yes you can earn a RNC-LRN online.

What organization offers the RNC-LRN?

The National Certification Corporation (NCC) offers the RNC-LRN.

What are some certifications I can pursue after obtaining RNC-LRN certification?

You can pursue Registered Nurse Certified in Neonatal Intensive Care (RNC-NIC) or Registered Nurse Certified in Maternal Newborn Nursing (RNC-MNN), among others.