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PMAC (ASPMA) - Podiatric Medical Assistant, Certified

  • Cost: $400
  • Usually renews every 1 to 2 years


In Person


The Podiatric Medical Assistant, Certified (PMAC) credential is a professional certification for medical assistants who specialize in podiatric medicine. This certification indicates proficiency in assisting podiatrists in clinical and administrative tasks, including patient care, office procedures, and basic podiatric treatments.

Completion Time: 90 minutes

Eligibility and Certification Requirements

  • Completion of a podiatric medical assisting program or equivalent on-the-job training in a podiatric medical setting.

  • Knowledge of podiatric procedures, patient care, and office management.

  • Membership in a professional organization like ASPMA is required.

  • Passing a certification examination

Cost: For ASPMA members only, $400 per exam option: Administrative, Clinical and Radiology.

Course Format

Exam Format

The PMAC exam typically includes multiple-choice questions covering areas such as podiatric medicine, office procedures, patient care, and basic foot care.

The administrative exam consists of 365 questions covering HIPAA regulations, office procedures, and medical billing and coding.

The clinical exam evaluates surgical assisting, clinical testing, and procedures through 339 questions.

The radiology exam comprises 135 questions and allows for only one retake. Topics covered include x-ray equipment, film radiology, and digital imaging.

In Person

The exam is available in written form and can be held at various ASPMA conference locations. Check the ASPMA calendar for upcoming dates, and if you don't see your state's conference listed, request for a course and exam to be held in your state.


After the start date of the first exam, you will have 30 days to complete all sections of the online certification exam.


Certification Process

Apply for the PMAC certification through a certifying organization like ASPMA.

You must be an ASPMA member in order to take the certification exam.

Meet the eligibility criteria and pass the PMAC certification examination with a score of 80% or greater.

If you do not pass the exam, you will be eligible for a free retake within 30 days of taking the exam.


PMAC certification generally requires renewal every 1-2 years.

Renewal involves completing continuing education credits in podiatric medical assisting or related healthcare areas and paying a recertification fee.

To recertify, PMACs must complete at least 20 CEUs annually.

Continuing Education

Continuing education for PMACs may include updates in podiatric care, advanced patient care techniques, and healthcare management skills.

Other Resources

For specific information regarding Podiatric Medical Assistant, Certified certification, including eligibility criteria, examination details, approved educational programs, and renewal processes, it is recommended to consult directly with professional organizations such as the American Society of Podiatric Medical Assistants (ASPMA). ASPMA provides comprehensive resources and standards for professionals in the field of podiatric medical assisting.

Career Opportunities

Certified Podiatric Medical Assistants work in podiatrists’ offices, clinics, and hospitals.

Duties include assisting with foot treatments, patient preparation and care, maintaining medical records, and handling administrative tasks.

Related Certifications

Other related certifications include:

  • AMT Registered Medical Assistant (RMT)

  • NHA Certified Clinical Medical Assistant (CCMA)

  • NCCT National Certified Medical Assistant (NCMA)

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Frequently asked questions

Can I earn a Podiatric Medical Assistant, Certified (PMAC) online?

Yes you can earn a Podiatric Medical Assistant, Certified (PMAC) online.

What organization offers the Podiatric Medical Assistant, Certified (PMAC)?

The American Society Podiatric Medical Assistants (ASPMA) offers the Podiatric Medical Assistant, Certified (PMAC).

How often do I need to renew my ASPMA Podiatric Medical Assistant, Certified (PMAC)?

You must renew your ASPMA Podiatric Medical Assistant, Certified (PMAC) every year.

What are the CEU requirements for recertifying the ASPMA Podiatric Medical Assistant, Certified (PMAC)?

Recertifying the ASPMA Podiatric Medical Assistant, Certified (PMAC) requires a total of 20 CEU every year.

What are the job duties of a ASPMA Podiatric Medical Assistant, Certified (PMAC)?

The job duties of a ASPMA Podiatric Medical Assistant, Certified (PMAC) include assisting with foot treatments, patient preparation and care, maintaining medical records, and handling administrative tasks.