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PED-BC - Pediatric Nursing Certification

  • Cost $295-$395
  • Renews every 5 years


In Person


Pediatric Nursing board certification (PED-BC) validates the knowledge and skills of registered nurses  who have experience and demonstrated a passion for working in pediatrics. The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) offers the PED-BC exam, accredited by the Accreditation Board for Specialty Nursing Certifications (ABSNC).

Eligibility Requirements

  • Current RN license in any U.S. state or territory or legally recognized equivalent in another country

  • Completed the equivalent of  two years of full time practice as a registered nurse

  • At least 2,000 hours of experience in  pediatric nursing within the last 3 years

  • 30 continuing education hours in pediatric nursing within the last three years

Completion Time: Candidates have 3 hours to complete the PED-BC exam


  • American Nursing Association Members: $295

  • Society of Pediatric Nursing Members: $340

  • Non-members: $395

All options include a nonrefundable $140 administrative fee.

Course Format

Exam Format

The PED-BC certification exam consists of  150 questions, including 125 scored and 25 unscored pretest questions. Candidates have 3 hours to complete the exam and receive their results immediately upon completion. The PED-BC exam features pass/fail grading, with a maximum possible scaled score of 500 and a minimum passing scaled score of 350.PED-BC exam topics include:

  • Assessment and Diagnosis: 43 questions (34%)

  • Planning and Implementation: 37 questions (30%)

  • Evaluation: 45 questions (36%)

In Person

Applicants may self-register for the exam after receiving their Authorization to Test (ATT) notice from ANCC. They may register online or by calling Prometric at (800) 998-1942.

  • Go to Prometric’s website

  • Click “Schedule”under “Test Center Certification Exam”

  • Read the terms and conditions

  • Confirm over 18 and select “I consent”

  • Insert ANCC ID Number and first four characters of last name

  • Click the arrow after the eligibility window appears

  • Search for a testing center

  • Select a test date

Exam Day Instructions

  • Arrive at the testing center 30 minutes before exam time

  • Bring a government-issued ID and test confirmation number from Prometric

  • Store personal items in provided lockers


Steps to certification:

  • Go to the PED-BC exam website

  • Click “Apply Online”

  • Sign in or create a new account

  • Complete the application

  • List RN licenses held in all states

  • Add any membership information to collaborating organizations

  • Answer the eligibility questions

  • Add CEU information

  • Insert optional employer information

  • Agree to the Statement of Understanding

  • Input debit or credit card information

Applicants receive an Authorization to Test (ATT) upon approval. They must schedule and take the exam within 90 days of receiving their ATT.


PED-BC credentials are valid for 5 years. PED-BC holders may submit online renewal applications up to one year before expiration. To be eligible for renewal, applicants must:

  • Hold a current, active RN license in any U.S. state or territory or the legal equivalent in another country

  • Hold a current PED-BC certification from ANCC

  • Complete 75 contact hours of continuing education (CE)

  • Complete at least one of 8 professional development categories

  • Pay renewal fee

The professional development component includes completion of at least one of the following 8 categories:

  1. 75 contact hours of CE in addition to the mandatory 75 CE hours

  2. 5 semester credits or 6 quarter credits in pediatrics 

  3. One or more presentations totaling 5 clock hours in pediatrics

  4. Evidence-Based Practice (EBP), Quality Improvement Project (QI), Publication, or Research 

  5. At least 120 hours as a preceptor for students in an academic program related to pediatrics

  6. Two or more consecutive years of volunteer service with international, national, state, or local healthcare-related organizations. At least 1,000 practice hours in pediatrics

  7. At least 1,000 practice hours in pediatrics

  8. Pass the current PED-BC test


  • American Nursing Association Members: $250

  • Society of Pediatric Nursing Members: $295

  • Non-members: $350

Continuing Education

Part of the renewal process requires 75 Continuing Education Units (CEUs). All CEUs must be directly related to the MEDSURG-BC’s certification role and specialty. At least 60 CEUs must be formally approved CE hours, meaning they must meet at least one of the following criteria:

  • Continuing nursing education (CNE) approved for nursing contact hours by an accredited provider or approver of CNE

  • Continuing medical education (CME) approved for AMA PRA Category 1 Credits

  • Continuing education hours approved through the Joint Accreditation for Interprofessional Continuing Education

  • Sponsored by organizations, agencies, or educational institutions accredited or approved by the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE), or the Commission on Dietetic Registration

  • Provided by one of these accepted agencies:

    • American Nurses Association (ANA)

    • American Academy of Family Physicians (AAFP)

    • American Academy of Nurse Practitioners (AANP)

    • American Academy of Physician Assistants (AAPA)

    • American College of Nurse Midwives (ACNM)

    • American Psychiatric Association (APA)

    • American Psychological Association (APA)

    • American Psychiatric Nurses Association (APNA)

    • Emergency Nurses Association (ENA)

    • National Association of Nurse Practitioners in Women's Health (NPWH)

    • National Association of Pediatric Nurse Associates and Practitioners (NAPNAP)

For a full list of ANCC accredited organizations,  visit the Find an Accredited Organizations page. 

PED-BC holders should Track Professional Development on the ANCC website as they complete each activity. Renewal applicants must use their account and complete the CE section of the Professional Development Record to document their CEUs. ANCC doesn’t accept certificates of completion in place of completing Professional Development entries.

Other Resources

The ANCC  provides several resources to help candidates prepare for the PED-BC exam, including: 

Related Certifications

The ANCC also offers the following certifications:

  • Ambulatory Care Nursing Certification (AMB-BC)

  • Cardiac Vascular Nursing Certification (CV-BC)

  • Gerontological Nursing Certification (GERO-BC)

  • Informatics Nursing Certification (RN-BC)

  • Medical-Surgical Nursing Certification (MEDSURG-BC)

  • Pain Management Nursing Certification (PMGT-BC)

  • Commission for Case Manager Certification (CMGT-BC)

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Frequently asked questions

Is the ANCC Pediatric Nursing Certification (PED-BC) certification exam hard?

Like all professional certifications, the ANCC Pediatric Nursing Certification (PED-BC) exam can be difficult without appropriate preparation. In 2023, of the 142 first-time test takers who attempted the PED-BC exam, 101 passed, or about 71%.

How can I track the processing of my PED-BC application?

The progress of your PED-BC application should be visible in your online account.

Can I request special accommodations when taking the PED-BC exam?

Yes, the ANCC and its testing vendor, Prometric, makes every effort to provide reasonable accommodations for those taking the PED-BC and other certification exams. You must have a documented disability as defined by the ADA and complete a certification application before submitting your request for special accommodations. For more information about special accommodations, review the policies and procedures on ANCC’s Special Accommodations page.

If I change my name after applying to take the PED-BC exam do I have to reapply?

No, but you should contact the ANCC at as soon as possible to correct any incorrect or outdated information listed in your account.

Where can I mail my application to take the PED-BC exam?

You must submit your application to take the PED-BC exam online. However, supporting documents may be submitted online at the time of your applications or  mailed to: ANCC Certification, 8515 Georgia Avenue, Suite 400 Silver Spring, MD 20910.

Can I count classes that I took towards my Master’s or doctoral degree as continuing education for PED-BC recertification?

Yes, you can count classes taken towards your Master’s or doctoral degree as continuing education for PED-BC recertification. Each semester hour counts for 15 contact hours and each quarter credit counts for 12.5 contact hours.

Can I earn a PED-BC online?

No you can't earn a PED-BC online.

What organization offers the PED-BC?

The American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) offers the PED-BC.