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CRAT (CCI) - Certified Rhythm Analysis Technician

  • Cost $175
  • Renews every 3 years


In Person


The Certified Rhythm Analysis Technician (CRAT) certification is a professional credential for healthcare professionals specializing in cardiac rhythm analysis. Administered by Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI), this certification demonstrates a technician's expertise in monitoring and interpreting cardiac rhythms and arrhythmias. It is designed for individuals who work in settings such as hospitals, clinics, and other healthcare facilities where cardiac monitoring is a key component of patient care. The CRAT certification is aimed at professionals who seek to validate their specialized skills in electrocardiography (ECG), telemetry, and arrhythmia analysis.

Completion Time: 2 hours

Cost: $175

Course Format

Exam Format

The CRAT exam includes 130 multiple-choice questions (110 scored and 20 unscored) covering topics such as cardiac anatomy and physiology, ECG interpretation, arrhythmia recognition, and patient care.

The exam assesses both theoretical knowledge and practical skills in rhythm analysis.

The passing score of 650 is based on CCI’s 900-point scale.

In Person

Registration involves an application process, meeting eligibility criteria (such as educational background and work experience in rhythm analysis), and paying the examination fee.

The exam is conducted at designated testing centers, adhering to specific identification and testing protocols.


Eligibility criteria include a combination of education and work experience in the field of cardiac rhythm analysis.

The application process involves submitting proof of education, work experience, and a completed application form.

If unsuccessful on the exam, candidates can reapply following CCI’s reexamination policies.


CRAT certification must be renewed every three years.

Renewal involves fulfilling continuing education requirements and paying a renewal fee.

Continuing Education

Continuing education requirements include specific hours of accredited education related to cardiac rhythm analysis and patient care.

Documentation of these activities is necessary for the recertification process.

For the most current and detailed information regarding Certified Rhythm Analysis Technician certification, including application guidelines, exam schedules, study materials, and renewal processes, it is advised to refer directly to Cardiovascular Credentialing International's (CCI) official website.

Other Resources

CCI provides study materials, including a detailed content outline and reference lists.

Additional resources may include online courses, textbooks, and practice tests in rhythm analysis and ECG interpretation.

Related Certifications

Prior experience in cardiac monitoring, ECG interpretation, or related fields is beneficial.

After obtaining CRAT certification, professionals may pursue advanced certifications in cardiac care, such as Registered Cardiac Electrophysiology Specialist (RCES) or Registered Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist (RCIS).

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Frequently asked questions

What are some other certifications I can pursue related to CCI Certified Rhythm Analysis Technician (CRAT) certification?

You can also pursue Certified Cardiographic Technician (CCT) or Certified EKG Technician (CET), among others.

How often do I need to renew the CCI Certified Rhythm Analysis Technician (CRAT)?

You must renew your CCI Certified Rhythm Analysis Technician (CRAT) every three years.

Can I earn a CCI Certified Rhythm Analysis Technician (CRAT) online?

No you can't earn a CCI Certified Rhythm Analysis Technician (CRAT) online.

What other certifications does the CCI offer besides the Certified Rhythm Analysis Technician (CRAT)?

The Cardiovascular Credentialing International (CCI) also offers the following:

  • Advanced Cardiac Sonographer (ACS)

  • Registered Cardiovascular Invasive Specialist (RCIS)

  • Registered Congenital Cardiac Sonographer (RCCS)

  • Registered Cardiac Electrophysiology Specialist (RCES)

  • Registered Cardiac Sonographer (RCS)

  • Registered Phlebology Sonographer (RPhS)

  • Registered Vascular Specialist (RVS)

  • Certified Cardiographic Technician (CCT)

How many questions are on the CCI Certified Rhythm Analysis Technician (CRAT) exam?

The CCI Certified Rhythm Analysis Technician (CRAT) certification exam is 130 multiple-choice questions (110 scored and 20 unscored) covering topics such as cardiac anatomy and physiology, ECG interpretation, arrhythmia recognition, and patient care.