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CHT - Certified Hemodialysis Technologist/Technician

  • Cost $225-$250
  • Renews every 4 years


In Person


Certified Hemodialysis Technologist/Technician certification (CHT) validates the knowledge and skills of the hemodialysis technician with six months of experience. The Board of Nephrology Examiners Nursing and Technology (BONENT) offers the CHT exam and certification.

Eligibility Requirements

  • High school diploma or equivalent

  • 6 months of experience in nephrology care

  • Current employment in an end stage renal disease facility

Completion Time: Candidates have 3 hours to complete the CHT exam


  • Exam:

    • Paper Exam: $225

    • Computer Based Testing: $250

    • Paper Exam and Computer Based Testing Outside the U.S: $250

To retake the exam, candidates must pay the exam fee.

Annual Certification: $60 yearly or $210 every four years required to maintain CHT credential.

Course Format

Exam Format

The CHT certification exam consists of 150 multiple choice questions. Candidates have 3 hours to complete the exam. They must achieve a minimum scaled score of 70 out of a possible score of 100 to pass. The questions are scaled so that not every item counts the same. Candidates receive a breakdown of their performance to guide any further study. CHT exam topics include:

  • Patient Care (45%)

  • Infection Control (18%)

  • Water Treatment (15%)

  • Machine Technology (12%)

  • Education and Professional Development (10%)

In Person

Computer Based Testing

It takes approximately 4-6 weeks for BONENT to approve an application after which the candidate receives a Confirmation Letter with their username and password.

  • Go to “Iso Testing Site

  • Click “Register for an Exam”

  • Log in with the username and password provided by BONENT

  • Register for the CHT

Paper and Pencil Testing

  • Find a test site and date on the Exam Schedule.

  • Include the date, time and location to take the paper and pencil exam


Steps to certification: 

  • Download and complete the exam application

    • Complete all sections of the form

    • A  supervisor must sign and date the verification section

    • Submit two signed and dated reference letters

  • Mail application to BONENT Executive Office: 100 South Washington St., Rockville, MD 20850 (original only, no photocopies and no faxes)


CHT certification is valid for 4 years. CHTs can submit an online recertification application up to one year before expiration, but must be completed no later than 30 days past their certification expiration date. To be eligible for renewal, applicants must complete the following three steps.

Step 1: Choose one of three recertification options

  • Obtain 40 contact hours during four-year certification cycle

    • 30 hours must be nephrology-based

    • 10 hours may be general health

  • Retake the exam

  • Use One-Time Waiver

    • Available only once in a lifetime

Step 2: Ensure fees are paid

To qualify for renewal, CHTs must pay an annual certification fee of $60 or they have the option of prepaying $210 every 4 years. Late fees may apply for CHTs who don’t prepay or pay their annual fees by the due date on their invoice. There isn’t an additional fee to recertify but annual dues must be current for all four years.

  • Incomplete Recertification Application: Additional $65 fee

  • Lapsed Certifications between 1 to 12 months: Additional $100 fee

  • Expired Certifications between 13 months to 10 years: Additional $200 fee

Step 3: 

Mail completed original Recertification Application form. Photocopied or faxed forms aren’t accepted. Once BONENT approves applications, candidates are recertified for 4 more years and receive a new wallet card.

Continuing Education

CE hours are one of three ways CHTs can recertify. To use this option, they must earn a total of 40 contact hours, including 30 nephrology-based and the other 10 can be general health. BONENT provides multiple continuing education opportunities, including:

Other Resources

BONENT offers several resources to help prepare for the CHT exam, including: 

Related Certifications

  • Certified Peritoneal Dialysis Nurse (CPDN

  • Certified Hemodialysis Nurse (CHN

  • Certified Hemodialysis Biomedical Technician (CHBT) 

  • Certified Hemodialysis Water Specialist (CHWS)

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Frequently asked questions

Is the CHT certification exam hard?

Candidates must achieve a minimum scaled score of 70 out of a possible score of 100 in order to pass. Each exam uses different questions and may vary in difficulty. Your score is based on the number you answered correctly. This raw score is converted into a scaled score. BONENT utilizes psychometric procedures during scoring to ensure the difficulty level for each exam is taken into account.

Can I pay extra to expedite the CHT exam application process?

No, there’s currently no option to expedite the CHT exam application process.

How much does it cost to become CHT certified?

It costs $225 to take the CHT exam with paper and pencil and $250 for computer based testing. Additionally you must pay $60 a year (or $210 for 4 years) for membership.

How long should it take to hear back on my CHT exam application?

You should receive a response on your CHT exam application within 4 weeks of BONENT receiving your application.

How often do I need to renew my CHT certification?

You must renew your CHT certification every four years.

Can I take the CHT exam remotely?

No, although you do have the option of taking the CHT exam on a computer, you must schedule a time to take the exam at an approved testing center.

How many contact hours must I complete to renew my CHT certification?

You need 40 contact hours, 30 of which must be in nephrology, to renew your CHT certification.

Can I earn a Certified Hemodialysis Technologist/Technician (CHT) online?

No you can't earn a Certified Hemodialysis Technologist/Technician (CHT) online.

What other certifications does the BONENT offer besides the CHT?

The Board of Nephrology Examiners Nursing and Technology (BONENT) also offers the following:

  • Certified Peritoneal Dialysis Nurse (CPDN)

  • Certified Hemodialysis Nurse (CHN)

What organization offers the CHT?

The Board of Nephrology Examiners Nursing and Technology (BONENT) offers the CHT.