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CG (ASCP) - Technologist in Cytogenetics

  • Cost: $250
  • Usually renews every 3 years


In Person


The Technologist in Cytogenetics (CG) certification is a professional credential for laboratory professionals specializing in cytogenetics – the study of chromosomes and chromosomal abnormalities. Administered by organizations such as the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP), this certification validates a technologist's expertise in performing, analyzing, and interpreting cytogenetic tests. These tests are crucial in diagnosing genetic diseases, cancers, and congenital abnormalities.

Completion Time: 2.5 hours

Cost: $250

International Fee: $210. There is a discount of $95 for applicants that have a medical laboratory education and reside in specific countries listed in the International Pricing Policy.

Course Format

Exam Format

The CG exam includes 100 multiple-choice questions covering cytogenetic principles, laboratory techniques, karyotyping, molecular cytogenetics, and interpretation of results.

The exam assesses knowledge and skills in chromosome analysis, FISH (fluorescence in situ hybridization), and other cytogenetic testing methodologies.

In order to pass an exam, the test taker must answer enough questions correctly to achieve a score at or above the pass point. There is no specific number of questions or percentage of correct answers that guarantees a passing grade. If the test taker's score is at or above the pass point after completing the exam, then he or she has passed.

In Person

Registration involves an application process, meeting eligibility criteria like education and clinical experience in cytogenetics, and paying the examination fee.

The exam is typically conducted at designated testing centers, adhering to specific protocols.


A bachelor’s degree in a biological science or related field.

Clinical laboratory experience in cytogenetics, including specific training or education in this specialty.


CG certification requires renewal every three years.

Renewal involves completing continuing education credits in cytogenetics and related laboratory sciences.

CMP points required: 36

Renewal Fee

  • Renewal fee: $100

  • Reinstatement fee: $135

  • Fee is reduced by $20 if renewing multiple ASCP certifications that expire on the same day or will expire in three months of each other.

Continuing Education

Beginning January 2024, the amount of dedicated CMP points increased from 2 to 8 for the Technologist in Cytogenetics (CG). The overall CMP points required did not increase.

Specific CE requirements typically include courses in genetics, laboratory techniques, and advancements in cytogenetic technology.

Detailed records of these activities must be maintained and submitted during the renewal process.

For authoritative and detailed information on Technologist in Cytogenetics certification, including application guidelines, exam preparation materials, and renewal processes, it is recommended to consult the website or contact the office of the relevant certifying organization, such as the American Society for Clinical Pathology (ASCP).

Other Resources

Career Opportunities

Technologists in cytogenetics work in hospital laboratories, reference labs, and research institutions.

They play a key role in genetic testing, cancer diagnosis, and prenatal screening.

Related Certifications

The ASCP also offers the following:

  • Technologist in Blood Banking (BB)

  • Technologist in Chemistry (C)

  • Cytotechnologist (CT)

  • Technologist in Hematology (H)

  • Histotechnologist (HTL)

  • Technologist in Microbiology (M)

  • Technologist in Molecular Biology (MB)

  • Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS)

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Frequently asked questions

Can I earn a ASCP Technologist in Cytogenetics (CG) online?

No you can't earn a ASCP Technologist in Cytogenetics (CG) online.

What organization offers the Technologist in Cytogenetics (CG)?

The American Society for Clinical Pathology (ACSP) offers the Technologist in Cytogenetics (CG).

What other certifications does the ASCP offer besides the Technologist in Cytogenetics (CG)?

The American Society for Clinical Pathology (ACSP) also offers the following:

  • Technologist in Blood Banking (BB)

  • Technologist in Chemistry (C)

  • Cytotechnologist (CT)

  • Technologist in Hematology (H)

  • Histotechnologist (HTL)

  • Technologist in Microbiology (M)

  • Technologist in Molecular Biology (MB)

  • Medical Laboratory Scientist (MLS)

If I am outside the U.S., am I eligible to apply for ASCP Technologist in Cytogenetics (CG) certification?

For questions related to international Technologist in Cytogenetics (CG) certification applicants, access the ASCP Board of Certification handbook for international candidates.

Are paper ASCP Technologist in Cytogenetics (CG) exams available?

No, paper ASCP Technologist in Cytogenetics (CG) certification exams aren't available.The ASCP uses Computer Adaptive Testing (CAT) because it measures knowledge and skills more accurately and quickly than standard fixed-form tests. In CAT, a more difficult question follows a correct answer, and a less difficult question follows an incorrect answer to identify the test taker’s ability level in each area.

When do I find out if I passed the ASCP Technologist in Cytogenetics (CG) exam?

Examinees will receive unofficial pass/fail results at the testing center on completion of the ASCP Technologist in Cytogenetics (CG) certification exam. An official results report is available online within four business days.

What if I fail the ASCP Technologist in Cytogenetics (CG) exam?

Examinees will receive unofficial pass/fail results at the testing center on completion of the ASCP Technologist in Cytogenetics (CG) certification exam. Once you receive an email notification with your results, you may submit a new application and fee to retake the exam. You must wait a minimum of 90 days to retake the exam.