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CABT - Certified Associate in Biomedical Technology

  • Cost $200-$250
  • Non-renewable
  • active for 5 years




The Certified Associate in Biomedical Technology (CABT) certification is an entry-level certification for individuals new to or interested in entering the healthcare technology management field. The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) offers the CABT exam.


To be eligible to take the CABT exam, applicants must have a high school diploma or GED and provide proof of education during application submission. 

Completion Time: Candidates have 2 hours to complete the CABT exam


  • AAMI Member: $200

  • Non-member: $250

  • Retest AAMI Member: $175

  • Retest Non-member: $225

  • International Exams: Additional $100

  • Late Registration: Additional $50 non-refundable

  • Rescheduling At Least 5 Days before exam date: $50

  • Rescheduling Less than 5 Days before exam date: Forfeit all exam fees

Course Format

Exam Format

The CABT exam has 100 questions, and applicants have 2 hours to complete it. The exam is closed-book and graded pass or fail. Examinees must correctly answer a minimum of 75 questions to pass. AAMI emails preliminary results immediately after exam completion and mails final results 30 to 45 days after the exam window closes. Exam topics include:

  • Anatomy and physiology

  • Medical devices as related to patient care

  • Healthcare safety

  • Fundamentals of electronics and electricity

  • Reasoning and problem solving

  • Healthcare information technology

Test Dates

The CABT exam is only administered online and can be applied for and taken at any time. 

Register for the Exam

Applicants receive an email from AAMI with login information and instructions for registering for an exam time. Applicants must take the CABT through an online proctored exam.


Applicants must have a strong internet connection, a webcam, and a microphone. They must show photo identification before starting the exam. Test-takers must be alone in a private, well-lit room during the exam. No cellphones, electronics, headphones, food, or beverages are permitted. However, they have access to a simple calculator during the exam. The proctor monitors the test-taker for the duration of the exam.


Application Process

  • Go to the AAMI website

  • Click “Apply for an Exam” under AAMI Credentials Institute (ACI)

  • Create an account or log in

  • Click “Next Step” under CABT Exam Registration

  • Complete registration information

  • Check “CABT”

  • Complete education information, including diploma or unofficial transcript

  • Sign and date under Applicant Acknowledgement 

  • Click “Next”

  • Input payment information

Applicants receive an email from AAMI with acceptance and scheduling information. If the application is incomplete, applicants have 30 days to respond and submit the required documents.


The CABT is valid for 5 years and is non-renewable. To maintain certification, applicants must take the certification again. Instead of retaking the CABT exam, some applicants may choose to take the CBET or CRES exams instead.

Other Resources

Related Certifications

Other certifications offered by AAMI include:

  • Certified Biomedical Equipment Technician (CBET)

  • Certified Healthcare Technology Manager (CHTM)

  • Certified Industrial Sterilization Specialist (CISS)

  • Certified Radiology Equipment Specialist (CRES)

The AAMI partners with healthcare organizations to offer the Biomedical Equipment Technician (BMET) Apprenticeship.

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Frequently asked questions

What if I fail the CABT?

If you fail the CABT, you must wait at least 60 days to retake the exam. Applicants can’t take the exam more than 3 times within 2 years. AAMI doesn’t provide refunds for failed exams, and retesting fees are $175 for AAMI members and $225 for non-members.

How many days in advance must I cancel my CABT exam?

You must cancel the CABT at least 5 business days before the exam date; otherwise a cancellation fee will be applied.

Can I reschedule the CABT exam?

Yes, you can reschedule the CABT one time for a fee, if done at least 5 business days before the exam date. The entire testing fee is forfeited if rescheduled less than 5 days before the exam.

What responsibilities do CABTs have?

CABTs work in various settings and are responsible for scheduled maintenance of existing technology, routine inspection of new equipment, supporting other technicians, and troubleshooting.

Do I have to have any work experience to take the CABT?

No, the only eligibility requirements to take the CABT are a high school diploma or GED.

What other certifications does the AAMI offer besides the CABT?

The AAMI also offers the following certifications:

  • Certified Biomedical Equipment Technician (CBET)

  • Certified Healthcare Technology Manager (CHTM)

  • Certified Industrial Sterilization Specialist (CISS)

  • Certified Radiology Equipment Specialist (CRES)

What organization offers the CABT?

The Association for the Advancement of Medical Instrumentation (AAMI) offers the CAPT exam.