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ARLS - Advanced Radiology Life Support

  • Cost $275




The Advanced Radiology Life Support (ARLS) course is an online course that focuses on the life-threatening emergencies that occur in the radiology department, including contrast reactions and airway management. The ARLS uses the Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) course as a template to review basic concepts of advanced life support.

The Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science, accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), offers the ARLS course. Physicians, nurses, and allied health professionals working in radiology benefit from this program.

Course Objectives

After course completion, participants should be proficient in:

  • Types of contrast used

  • Recognition and treatment of contrast reactions

  • Identifying risk factors and treatment for contrast-induced nephropathy

  • Identifying risk factors and treatment for nephrogenic systemic fibrosis (NSF)

  • Strategies to safely administer contrast to patients with renal disease

  • Indications for the administration of moderate sedation and analgesic medications

  • Airway management in emergencies

Course Format

The ARLS course consists of 7 videos on the following topics:

  • Contrast Media

  • Recognition and Treatment of Contrast Reactions

  • Sedation and Analgesia

  • Contrast-Induced Nephropathy

  • Gadolinium-Based Contrast Agents

  • Contrast Reaction Scenarios

  • Emergency Response Contrast Reaction Kit

Completion Time: 3 hours

Cost: $275

The online ARLS course takes about 3 hours to complete and includes a post-course quiz. The quiz must be completed with an 80% or higher within 2 attempts for participants to obtain Continuing Medical Education (CME) credit. All participants receive a certificate of attendance following course completion.



  • Go to the course website 

  • Click “Add to Cart”

  • Check the box next to the product

  • Click “Continue to Cart”

  • Sign in or create an account

  • Click “Begin Checkout”

  • Click payment by credit card or check

  • Input card information and click “Pay Now” if paying by credit card

  • Click “Complete Order and Process Payment” if paying by check, then mail to: 

    • Mayo Clinic
      Radiology CME
      200 First Street SW - Mayo 2-48W
      Rochester, MN 55905

Participants receive a confirmation email with information about how to log in to the dashboard and access course materials. They get access to the 7 videos and the following documents:

  • Comprehensive downloadable program materials

  • Downloadable Suggested Treatment Regimens for Contrast Reactions guide

  • Online post-course quiz and program evaluation

Continuing Education

The Mayo Clinic College of Medicine and Science is jointly accredited by the Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME), the American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC), and the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) to provide continuing education (CE).

Medical professionals who complete the course and pass the quiz can print their certificate of attendance from their Mayo Clinic dashboard. They need this certificate as proof to claim CE credits.

The Mayo Clinic offers 2.75 CE credit hours to those who complete the ARLS course. The course also includes 0.5 hours of Sedation and Airway Management Training.

  • AMA PRA Category 1: 2.75 hours

  • ABR SA-CME: 2.75 hours

For more information, contact the Mayo Clinic Department of Radiology, Continuing Medical Education Office at 1-866-246-1581 or

Related Certifications

Other related certifications include:

  • Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS

  • Basic Life Support (BLS)

  • Pediatric Advanced Life Support (PALS)

  • ARIN Certified Radiologic Nurse (CRN)

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Frequently asked questions

Do I have to work in a radiology department to take the ARLS course?

No, there aren’t any eligibility requirements to take the ARLS course. It’s available to physicians, nurses, technicians, and any allied health employees wanting to learn more about emergency care in the radiology department.

What’s the difference between ARLS and ACLS?

ARLS relates to specific emergencies that occur in radiology departments, while ACLS covers many types of life-threatening emergencies. While anyone can take the ARLS course, only individuals who have completed Basic Life Support (BLS) can take the Advanced Cardiac Life Support (ACLS) course.

When can I take the ARLS course?

The ARLS is an online course you can take at any time.

What if I fail the post-course quiz for ARLS?

If you don’t score higher than 80% two times in a row, you won’t receive credit for continuing education hours.

Can I get a DVD of the ARLS course videos instead of watching them online?

No, the Mayo Clinic no longer offers DVDs.

Can I earn a Advanced Radiology Life Support (ARLS) online?

Yes you can earn a Advanced Radiology Life Support (ARLS) online.