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AE-C - Asthma Educator-Certified

  • $350
  • Renews every 5 years


In Person


Nurses will continue to play a vital role in the care management of clients with asthma in the community. Asthma educators are active in the teaching and guidance of clients in managing their condition to promote quality outcomes.

The Asthma Educator-Certified (AE-C) certification is offered by the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC). The AE-C is relevant for nurses with the knowledge of asthma pathophysiology and current treatment modalities in addition to monitoring client learning outcomes in disease management. The AE-C nurse also delivers asthma education concepts in a way that is easy for clients to understand.

Applicants for the AE-C exam must register online through the National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC).


  • Initial Testing Fee: $300

  • Re-examination Fee: $250

  • Assessment Center Fee: $150, only for international candidates

Course Format

A paper application located in the Examination Handbook is also accepted. The exam is offered via computer-based test (CBT) with 175 multiple-choice items with 3.5 hours allotted to complete the exam.


In the United States, any licensed healthcare professional with an active, unrestricted license is eligible to sit for the AE-C exam.

In addition, 1000 hours of direct client care providing asthma education or service coordination is required.

The exam content focuses on four areas: the asthma condition, patient/family assessment, asthma management, and organizational issues. The NBRC Self Assessment Exam is available for purchase on the website for candidates to practice with exam content.


The AE-C certification is valid for five years. Nurses may renew their certifications one year before the expiration date of the certification. The recertification fee is $300.

To renew the certification, the nurse must fulfill one of the following requirements:

  • Completing the AE-C exam with a passing score

  • Completing 35 CE hours as approved by the NAECB.

The NBRC recommends nurses seeking recertification review the Credential Maintenance Program (CMP) Brochure.

Renewal Fees

The Credential Maintenance Program (CMP) fee is $125, collected annually in $25 increments over the 5-year credential term.

Other Resources

The NBRC offers resources for exam candidates, including:

The nurse seeking additional education or training in pulmonary disease management may also seek the following CE:

Related Certifications

The NBRC also offers the following specialty certifications:

  • RRT-Neonatal/Pediatric Specialist (NPS)

  • RRT-Sleep Disorders Specialist (SDS)

  • RRT - Adult Critical Care Specialty (ACCS)

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Frequently asked questions

How do I verify the 1000 hours of experience required to take the exam?

The NBRC will verify the applicant's eligibility to take the exam by verifying active licensure with the respective state of practice and requires signed letters of the applicant’s employers verifying experience in direct client care.

What if I don't pass the exam on my first attempt?

You may reapply to take the exam by submitting a new application and paying the $250 fee. A candidate may retake the exam 90 days after their last attempt for a tidal of three attempts in one year.

Can I take the exam if I reside outside the United States?

Yes, scheduling test center appointments are available for those outside the United States via online or phone. 

Can I earn a AE-C online?

No you can't earn a AE-C online.

What organization offers the AE-C?

The National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) offers the AE-C.

What other certifications does the NBRC offer besides the AE-C?

The National Board for Respiratory Care (NBRC) also offers the following:

  • Certified Respiratory Therapist (CRT)

  • Registered Respiratory Therapist (RRT)

  • Certified Pulmonary Function Technologist (CPFT)

  • Registered Pulmonary Function Technologist (RPFT)

  • RRT-Neonatal/Pediatric Specialist (NPS)

  • RRT-Sleep Disorders Specialist (SDS)